A step-by-step, practice-based course on developing clear, coherent and engaging short essays in a range of essential forms.  We will write descriptive, narrative, comparison or contrastive, opinion, and cause-effect essays this semester, both in-class and at home.  We will develop a systematic approach to process writing, planning, drafting, executing and revising material in collaboration with class members. 

The fundamental aim of this course is to expose students to a variety of different kinds of short essay, and to ensure that each member of the class gets lots of practice at essay writing.  “Practice”—as they say—"makes perfect.”  Second, this course will foster an understanding of writing as a process, and as a collaborative endeavor in which we write for a specific audience and receive constructive feedback from peers.  Essay writing, it is hoped, becomes a dialogue or conversation, with increasing attention to the rhetorical considerations that inform successful academic writing and thought at all levels.